Bad news-
If your goal is to start out 2022 on a diet/whole30/ WW/low carb plan-- your likelihood of achieving that goal is ridiculously miniscule.
Good news-
If you are open to putting your weight loss goals on the backburner, this could be the year where you actually (for real) heal your relationship with food and your body.
Here’s a short answer.
If you set out to lose weight, your likelihood of losing weight is low (actually, it is
very low, so less than 5% of people will be able to do it).
If you set out to get healthy, but really what that means to you is losing weight, your likelihood of losing weight is also very low.
If you set out to change your lifestyle, but really what that means to you is losing weight, your likelihood of losing weight is, you guessed it, still low.
When you read about intuitive eating and you realize you are being asked to sincerely let go of weight loss as a goal, it is not because we want you to be uncomfortable or unhappy.
It’s because over 150 research studies have proven that if you set out with that mindset you are very likely to find yourself in a repetitive cycle of weight loss and weight gain and never, ever feel satisfied or happy with your body.
Studies show that Intuitive Eating …
reduces binge eating
improves glycemic control
increases self esteem and well being
increases enjoyment of eating
increases the variety of foods you eat, including fruits and vegetables
increases trust in your body and body cue awareness
increases your interoceptive awareness
increases your sense of optimism
increases motivation to move your body
lowers disordered eating and eating disorders
I will not lie to you and tell you an intuitive eating journey is as sparkly and exciting as starting a new diet and losing ten pounds in a month. But I will tell you that Intuitive Eating is a journey where you will grow in compassion and trust for yourself and your amazing body, and you will be a healthier person overall because of it.
If you want to start this journey, I'd love to start it with you! Happy New Year!
I am so glad you are an intuitive eating coach!! You Inspire me to follow my dreams while also helping others in a radical way!