A letter I wish I would've had for my own wedding day prep...
Dear Bridal Party,
Thanks for taking a couple of minutes to read this. It means a lot to me.
I am so excited to get married and if you are reading this, I am deeply grateful to have you by my side as I begin this new journey. Thank you for supporting and loving me.
As wedding planning begins, there are a few unusual considerations I am hopeful you can do to help support me. I love wedding details as much as the next gal, but just not these ones...
No Crash Diet/Body Boot Camp Talk.
It’s your life to live, and I am not telling you what to do with your body (really, I am not), BUT I will not be restricting food or trying to slim down for my big day, and hearing about it will increase my focus on the wrong stuff!
No Size Talk.
I know what size we are wearing is a whole thing in wedding culture and beyond. But let’s be honest, women’s sizing couldn’t be more inconsistent! Let’s ignore our sizes and focus on being comfortable for all the celebrations!
No Gimmicks.
The wedding industry wants our money, and so they make it seem like you need to fix a million things about yourself (as the bride or bridesmaid or mom) in order to be happy on the wedding day. If you see an advertisement about weddings that follows that thinking- please don’t send it my way!
You might be asking yourself, is she already a bridezilla?
I really, really hope not!
It would be amazing to be blissfully unflummoxed when it comes to the pressures of the wedding industry, but I know myself better! I need your help in protecting this time as special, while I do my best to focus on what really matters with the people who matter most- preparing for a lifetime of love and companionship.
Thank you for reading this, and don't feel the need to overthink it! It's nearly impossible to avoid this stuff 100%, let's just do our best. Let the fun begin!
Lots of love,
P.S. If you want to escape the wedding pressures and end up happy and married on the other side-- check out my Anti Diet Wedding Journal designed for just that.