You deserve
peace with
food and your body.

Thanks for visiting and reading my story.
If you have landed here, I bet my story and yours have some things in common. I have always thought I was too big and needed to get smaller. My stomach. My thighs. My arms. My face. Diets/lifestyle changes worked great to shrink down… until I ruined the diet by eating too many points or eating past 6 p.m. or eating cake at a birthday party. It seemed obvious that they only thing that would ever make me truly happy was being skinny. So, I'd make my big plans to start over the next morning.
The number I weighed at my morning scale weigh-in affected my mood, my outlook, my decisions that day. How my clothes fit indicated my level of worthiness or success, and decided whether or not I could go out and have fun or just eat veggies and “be good” for the day. My weight had so. much. power (read: too much power).
“Honestly, unless you killed the chef or the farmer, there should be no guilt about your eating choices.”
― Evelyn Tribole
Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Anti-Diet Approach